Centralia Airport Demonstrates 30 Years of GlasGrid Performance

by Jeff Rasche, on May 12, 2023

The use of interlayers for preventing reflective cracking has been extensively studied over the last several decades. Although many research projects have quantified the performance of the GlasGrid® System, nothing speaks louder than observing real-world evidence. With thousands of successful installations around the world, the Centralia Airport project is a shining testament to the benefits of reinforcing pavements with GlasGrid.

A former Royal Canadian Air Force training base, the Centralia Airport was converted to civilian use in 1966. A combination of irregular maintenance and harsh weather had caused serious cracking of the airport’s paved surfaces. 1992, the airport decided to launch a rehabilitation effort to bring the apron up to current standards. It had become extremely oxidized and brittle with thermal, alligator, transverse and longitudinal cracks showing in the surface. Further surface degradation was likely to affect aircraft movement and safety.




Centralia-30-years-later1-(1).JPGThe GlasGrid System was recommended as a lower-cost, longer-lasting alternative to installing a thicker overlay and was installed in 1992-1993. A return site visit in February 2007 showed only minimal cracking after more than 13 years of service. The site was visited again in November 2022. After 30 years of harsh Canadian weather, cracking was observed in the apron. Dean Pettitt, who is a local engineer familiar with the harsh winters and GlasGrid products, commented, “That’s pretty impressive for 30 years considering the original condition.” Download the full project profile here.

Instead of choosing a temporary solution
to repair reflective cracking,
add proven, long-lasting performance with the GlasGrid System.
Learn more about this cost-effective, high-strength solution.