Hinsdale Central High School

Hinsdale, IL

July 2021

Tensar® InterAx™ geogrid makes passing proof roll easy.

  • Engineer: Eriksson Engineering
  • Distributor: Road Fabrics, Inc.
Client's Challenge

The contractor encountered poor subgrade soils (CBR=1.3%) that made it difficult to pass proof roll. This threatened to delay asphalt paving operations, and a cost-effective solution was needed to keep construction on schedule.

Tensar Solution

Tensar designed a solution consisting of a 10" thick lift of aggregate stabilized with Tensar NX850 geogrid. This design required 19" less of excavation and backfill compared with a traditional design that doesn't use geogrid. The contractor was able to pass proof roll and did so in less time and roughly half the cost of using traditional methods.

Products Used


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